Sunday, August 24, 2008

Some favorite pics...

I know it's about time to sit down and write out a whole long blog about our amazing wedding and then write another about our fabulous trip to Costa Rica! I will, I promise! But while you wait I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite pictures that our photographer just sent us. I have been having such a great time seeing everyone's photos, now if I can just upload them all to kodak would be nice. These are just a few sweet ones...

Don't know why the pics are so small... Stay tuned!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy 6 month birthday Abby!

I just wanted to give an update to anyone out there reading that our sweet baby girl is now 6 months! She's a whole 51 lbs. and we hope she'll slow down for a moment for us to enjoy this size! Some of her favorite things to do are: chew on her bones and toys, wrestle with her dad, sleep on the cold bathroom floor, and swim!!!! I am so excited that I have a pup that loves the water with me. She literally does canon balls into the pool. The best part is, after a day of swimming she pooped for days!

In other Abby news, yesterday she went in to get her womanhood snipped. I know it is the best things for her and us, I just was not ready for surgery. I am so glad that we waited until after the wedding/honeymoon to take care of this. I was a wreck yesterday as I was checking the box to please do anything to save her life. I dropped her off at 8:00 a.m. and picked her up at 5:00. There were a few things we had to do for her last night, most importantly make sure she doesn't jump and open up the incision. Oh and we were expecting her to be wearing a cone for a few days... nope they would rather your dog wear a t-shirt so they don't look strange to other dogs out on walks. Thad hates it. Today we had a very mellow day, she did not play with her toys, just watched the Olympics with me! However, tonight she was back in the trash can looking for scraps! Glad you're feeling better! We love you Abigail!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I like games like this!

Jesse and Kelly tagged me, so I guess it's my turn. How it works:
1. Post the rules of the game at the beginning.
2. Each player answers questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and post their names, then goes to their blogs and leave them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read the players blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answers

Where were you 5 years ago?
How funny.. almost to the day. I was packing my life up to head out west to Los Angeles. My best friend Jen and her college buddy Gogger had already been driving for a week.

What are 5 things on your to do list for today?
I am going to pretend this is my list for tomorrow because today is already spoken for.
1. Go to the gym.
2. Go to Bed Bath and Beyond to use a few gift cards!!!
3. Go to Petco to get Abby her food.
4. Call the vet and schedule her "fixing".
5. Watch the Olympics and The Hills... I know it's silly but I love it.

What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
1. Pretzels
2. Chocolate chip cookies
3. Hummus and pita chips
4. sliced apples and peanut butter
5. wheat thins

What are 5 things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. Pay off all of our bills.
2. Buy a house.. or 3.
3. Travel.
4. Have a huge Christmas and give gifts to everyone in your life that you would like to give to.
5. Start a school for children with physical disabilities.

What are five of your bad habits ?
1. Having no patience.
2. Being a control freak.. part of me can't help it. I'm an elementary teacher!
3. Nagging my poor husband!
4. Not wanting to clean the tub.
5. Eating too many cookies in one sitting!

What are five places you've lived?
1. Williston Park, NY
2. Mineola, NY
3. Slippery Rock, PA
4. Hermosa Beach, CA
5. Sherman Oaks, CA

What are 5 jobs you've had?
1. Standard Law Police store
3. Lifeguard
4. Swimming teacher
5. 3rd grade teacher

Five people I tag.
Well... all the people I know on blogger have already been tagged so I will just read everyone elses!