Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving a little late

Sorry I am a little late with the Turkey pictures. Thad and I successfully made our first Thanksgiving dinner together. I was so proud of our homemade mashed potatoes, I tried to make them last year and they were gross, way too watery. So I thought, ok try again and they were delicious. That's Thad tasting what else they needed- more butter, more milk.... YUM!

The rest of the weekend was very productive. We moved our bedroom around for a new look, got a smaller desk from IKEA and put some new sheets on. Thad says he feels very grown up now!

Oh and I am starting to freak out a little bit... You see the wedding is in 8 months. That's only 4 months x 2... 4 MONTHS IS NOTHING!

I am so indecisive, it's bad, I can barely pick a cereal for the week let alone make a decision for the wedding.... so if anyone has any tricks of how to fix this or.... would like to pick bridesmaid dresses or find my wedding shoes let me know.

Friday, November 23, 2007

On Thanksgiving Eve...

I had many, many things to be thankful for. In the first two pictures, you see some pictures of my class performing the annual "Turkeys Go On Strike" play for our school. Unfortunately, it was the windiest (is that a word?) day of the year and my entire set fell apart that morning, so we had to resort to generic posters and a bunch of eigth graders holding up the back drop. In the end, the show must go on and the parents were very happy, which makes my boss happy!

After we had a class feast with all of the trimmings, actually the mom that cooked our turkey didn't time it right so we had to borrow another class' turkey while ours cooked, and then I took home that turkey which we ate yesterday- I'll get there in a minute. One mom had a cake made for our class, I had to share the picture because the message of the play is so great- everyone forgets what the true meaning of thanksgiving day is and the turkeys strike until some resolution is reached... funny funny!

I drove down to LAX- I have never been so excited to sit in traffic or go to the airport on the busiest travel day of the year. Thad arrived at about 6:30, it was so amazing to see him walking off the escalator. He gave me a huge hug and said "we made it". It made me melt inside. Jessie and Mike, my hat goes off to you. You both amaze me with your strength and love for one another.

We went and grabbed dinner at one of our fav. restuarants in Venice beach and then came home. I have to be honest, I have been really nervous about him coming home for the last few days. I was really afraid things would be different living under the same roof again. But, I am happy to report, nothing has changed except that we may love each other more... at least thats my take on it.

He's excited to post too so look for that. Hope everyone had a great turkey day!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I just love it!

I am sitting here typing up an extra credit assignment for my class to do about the parade, and as I go through pictures I realize how happy I am to have grown up at it. It is so much apart of my Thanksgiving Day and I love every second of it.

I really don't know who my favorite balloon is... I put Kermit on top because I vividly remembering seeing him be dragged along the streets after being popped. Then there's Charlie Brown, Bart Simpson, Garfield, I could keep going.

Please tune in on Thursday at 9:00 in your jammies with a bowl of cereal.

Monday, November 19, 2007

A great day, then I came home to ....

I woke up feeling good, only three days of school this week! My class is doing a big Thanksgiving performance on Wednesday for the school so I knew a lot of today was going to be dedicated to practicing= easy day.
When I got home, there was a mystery birthday package on my porch, I love surprises.
Put down my bag, listened to the phone messages and heard my Mercury Insurance boyfriend, Doug (I call him my bf because I call him 5x a day with my accident questions!) tell me that the other lady's insurance has claimed 100% liabillity and my car is being fixed as we speak.

I walk towards the bathroom and there it is... loud and clear, a welcome home present for T. Let's hope the plummers/painters/plaster guys/ anyone else that needs to be involved works quickly on a holiday week.

And then I remembered there were some birthday cookies in the fridge left over from the weekend.... I'm good again!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

counting down the days

Yes, I am counting down days on my calendar until Thaddeus returns. He gets into LAX on Wednesday. It is going to be so great to have him back home again. I thought I would add a picture of us from when I was in Chicago last month. I love the sign in the back!

so this is blog world.....

Thank you Jessica Harmon for introducing me to blogging. What a good way to spy on people's lives. Let's hope I can get some more people on board. Stay tuned, I think I can this up and running without T's assistance!